Surveying Woodford Creek
The Ecoforestry Institute (EI) is a founding member of The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), located in Oaxaca, Mexico. The FSC is an international body that accredits certification organizations to guarantee the authenticity of their claims of ecologically responsible forest use and forestry management practices. EI is an active participant in the FSC regional process for the Pacific Coast of the U.S., and the Ecoforestry Institute Society is active in the regional process for British Columbia.
The regional standards are based on ten global Principles and Criteria (P&C) of the FSC that apply to all tropical, temperate, and boreal forests and are intended to complement laws, regulations, and other initiatives for sustainability. The regional standards are intended to make the global P&C specific in order to provide guidance to certification organizations. The ten P&C deal with the maintenance of forests ecosystems, environmental impacts, management of forestry activities in natural forests and plantations, as well compliance, tenure, rights, and worker and community relations.
Based on these P&C, EI has gotten certification for the Mountain Grove Forest in Oregon. Other forests in Idaho, Washington, and California are being considered for certification, also. For more information about certification, contact us:
EI Certification, Post Office Box 370, Tallevast, Florida, 34270-0370, or email:
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